1992 四川大学生物工程系遗传学专业学士
2000 中科院上海细胞所发育生物学专业博士
2000~2008 美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市儿童医院发育生物学系博士后
2008 至今 清华大学生物科学与技术系教授
细胞命运决定和细胞状态转换的分子和系统生物学。以非洲爪蛙 (Xenopus)、神经干细胞为模式系统,运用分子生物学、蛋白质/小分子质谱等技术分离新的细胞命运、染色质活性调节因子,通过遗传学、功能基因组学、代谢组学等方法研究这些调节因子在胚胎早期发育中的功能,重点揭示它们如何调控胚胎细胞多潜能的获得与渐进丢失。正在开展的工作包括:1)通过最新蛋白质质谱技术分离数百种母源转录因子和染色质修饰蛋白,运用研究ChIP-MS, ChIP-Seq等方法研究它们如何在母源-合子转换期间控制基因组的转录活性和染色质重编程; 2)促神经因子Ascl1和Neurog2调控神经分化潜能的分子机理;3)铁-硫复合物代谢调控及其在胚胎发育和细胞命运决定中的功能研究。
1. Gao L, Zhu XC, Chen G, Ma X, Zhang Y, Khand A, Shi H, Gu F, Lin H, Chen Y, Zhang H, He L, Tao QH* (2016) A novel role for Ascl1 in the regulation of mesndoderm formation via HDAC-dependent antagonism of VegT function. Development, 143:492-503. (*Correspondence authors).
2. Min Z, Lin H, Tao QH* (2016) Wdr5-mediated H3K4 timethylation is required for the Spemann’s organizer gene activation in Xenopus. (under revision; * correspondence author).
3. Zhu X, Min Z, Tan R, Tao QH* (2015) NF2/Merlin is required for the pattern formation in the Xenopus embryo. Mech Dev. 138:305-312. (* correspondence author).
4. Chen G, Tan RB, Tao QH* (2015) Sebox regulates mesoderm formation in early amphibian embryos. Dev. Dyn. 244(11):1415-26. (* correspondence author).
5. Sun G, Hu Z, Min Z, Yan X, Guan Z, Su H, Fu Y, Ma X, Chen YG, Zhang MQ*, Tao QH*, Wu W* (2015) Small C-terminal Domain Phosphatase 3 Dephosphorylates the Linker Sites of Receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads) to Ensure Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ)-mediated Germ Layer Induction in Xenopus Embryos. J. Biol. Chem. 290(28):17239-49. (* co-correspondence authors).
6. Xue Y, Zheg X, Huang L, Xu P, Ma Y, Min Z, Tao QH, Tao Y, Meng A (2014) Organizer-derived Bmp2 is required for the formation of a correct Bmp activity gradient during embryonic development. Nat. Comm. 5 article # 3766; doi:10.1038/ncomms4766.
7. Zhang Y, Ding Y, Chen YG*, Tao QH* (2014) NEDD4L regulates convergent extension movements in Xenopus embryos via Dishevelled-mediated non-canonical Wnt signaling. Dev. Biol.392(2014): 15-25. (* Co-correspondence authors).
8. Ding Y, Zhang Y, Xu C, Tao QH* and Chen YG* (2013) HECT Domain-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4L negatively regulates Wnt signaling by targeting Dishevelled for proteasomal degradation. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 8289-98. (* Co-correspondence authors)
9. Tao QH, Nandadasa S, McCrea P, Heasman J and Wylie C. (2007) G protein-coupled signals control actin assembly by controlling cadherin expression in the early Xenopus embryos. Development, 134(14):2651-61.
10. Tao QH, Yokota C, Puck H, Kofron M, Birsoy B, Dong Y, Asashima M, Wylie C, Lin X and Heasman J. (2005a). Maternal Wnt11 activates the canonical Wnt signaling pathway required for axis formation in Xenopus embryos. Cell 120:857-871.
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