1993-1997 山东大学微生物学 学士
1997-2003 中国科学院生物物理研究所 博士
2003-2010 纽约纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心
博士后助理研究员(10/2003), 博士后副研究员(8/2005), 高级研究科学(11/2006)
2010-2016 清华大学医学院 副教授
2016-至今 清华大学医学院 教授
1. Zhang X, Zhao D, Xiong X, He Z, and Li H* (2016) Multifaceted histone H3 methylation and phosphorylation readout by the plant homeodomain finger of human nuclear antigen Sp100C. J Biol Chem (doi:10.1074/jbc.M116.721159)(*correspondence)
2. Zhao D, Guan H, Zhao S, Mi W, Wen H, Li Y, Zhao Y, Allis CD, Shi X*, and Li H* (2016) YEATS2 is a selective histone crotonylation reader. Cell Research (doi:10.1038/cr.2016.49)(*correspondence)
3. Li Y, Sabari BR, Panchenko T, Wen H, Zhao D, Guan H, Wan L, Huang H, Tang Z, Zhao Y, Roeder R. Shi X, Allis CD*, and Li H* (2016) Molecular coupling of histone crotonylation and active transcription by AF9 YEATS domain. Mol Cell 62: 181-193 (*correspondence)
4. Noh K, Allis CD*, and Li H* (2016) Reading between the lines: “ADD”-ing histone and DNA methylation marks towards a new epigenetic “sum”. ACS Chem Biol 11: 554-563 (*correspondence)(invited review)
5. Zhao D, Zhang X, Guan H, Xiong X, Shi X, Deng H, and Li H* (2016) The BAH domain of BAHD1 is a histone H3K27me3 reader. Protein Cell 7: 222-226 (*correspondence)
6. Wu R, Yue Y, Zheng X, and Li H* (2015) Molecular basis for histone N-terminal methylation by NRMT1. Genes Dev 29: 2337-2342 (*correspondence)
7. Kamps J, Huang J, Poater J, Xu C, Pieters B, Dong A, Min J, Sherman W, Beuming T, Bickelhaupt FM, Li H, and Mecinovic J* (2015) Chemical basis for the recognition of trimethyllysine by epigenetic reader proteins. Nat Commun 6: 8911
8. Noh K, Wang H, Kim HR, Wenderski W, Fang F, Li CH, Dewell S, Hughes SH, Melnick AM, Patel DJ, Li H*, and Allis CD* (2015) Engineering of a histone-recognition domain in Dntm3a alters the epigenetic landscape and phenotypic features of mouse ESCs. Mol Cell 59: 89-103 (*correspondence)
9. Zhao S and Li H* (2015) Crystallography-based mechanistic insights into epigenetic regulation. Elsevier Publisher- Y. G. Zheng (ed.) Epigenetic Technological Applications: 125-147 (*correspondence) (book chapter)
10. Li H*, Zhao S, and Patel DJ (2015) Histone recognition by tandem modules and modulation by multiple PTMs. Springer Books - Life Sciences and Biomedicine, M.-M. Zhou (ed.) Histone Recognition: 149-172 *correspondence) (book chapter)
11. Zhao S, Su X, Li Y, and Li H* (2015) Research advances in the mechanism of histone methylation recognition by reader modules. Science & Technology Review, 33(8): 94-100 (*correspondence)(invited review)
12. Noh K, Maze I, Zhao D, Xiang B, Wenderski W, Lewis PW, Shen L, Li H* and Allis CD* (2015) ATRX tolerates activity-dependent histone H3 "methyl/phos switching" to maintain repetitive element silencing in neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112(22): 6820-6827 (*correspondence)
13. Li Y, Wen H, Shi X and Li H* (2015) Determination of protein-DNA (ZMYND11-DNA) interaction by a label-free biolayer interferometry assay. Bio-protocol 5(4): e1402 (*correspondence)
14. Li Y, Wen H, Xi Y, Tanaka K, Wang H, Peng D, Ren Y, Jin Q, Dent SYR, Li W, Li H*, and Shi X* (2014) AF9 YEATS domain links histone acetylation to DOT1L-mediated H3K79 methylation. Cell 159: 558-571 (*correspondence)
15. Wen H, Li, Y, Xi Y, Jiang S, Stratton S, Peng D, Tanaka K, Ren Y, Xia Z, Wu J, Li B, Barton MC, Li W*, Li H*, and Shi X* (2014) ZMYND11 links histone H3.3K36me3 to transcription elongation and tumour suppression. Nature 507: 263-268 (*correspondence)
16. Su X, Zhu G, Ding X, Lee SY, Dou Y, Zhu B, Wu W*, and Li H* (2014) Molecular basis underlying histone H3 lysine-arginine methylation patter readout by Spin/Ssty repeats of Spindlin1. Genes Dev 28: 622-636 (*correspondence)
17. Wee S, Dhanak D, Li H, Armstrong SA, Copeland RA, Sims R, Goodman VL, Baylin SB, Liu XS, Tarakhovsky A, and Schweizer L* (2014) Targeting epigenetic regulators for cancer therapy. Ann NY Acad Sci 1309: 30-36
18. Zheng X, Gooi, LM, Wason A, Gabriel E, Mehrjardi NZ, Yang Q, Zhang X, Debec A, Basiri M, Avidor-Reiss T, Pozniakovsky A, Poser I, Saric T, Hyman AA, Li H* and Gopalakrishnan J* (2014) The conserved TCP domain of Sas-4/CPAP is essential for Peri-centriolar material tethering during centrosome biogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: E345-E363 (*correspondence)
19. Li Y and Li H* (2012) Many keys to push: diversifying the ‘readership’ of plant homeodomain fingers. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 44 (1): 28-39 (*correspondence)
20. Iwase S, Xiang B, Ghosh S, Ren T, Lewis PW, Cochrane JC, Allis CD, Picketts DJ, Patel DJ*, Li H*, Shi Y* (2011) ATRX links atypical histone methylation recognition mechanisms to human mental retardation syndrome. Nat Struct Mol Biol 18: 769-776 (*correspondence)
21. Ruthenburg AJ, Li H, Milne T, Dou Y, McGinty RK, Yuen M, Muir TW, Patel DJ and Allis CD (2011) Recognition of a Mononucleosomal Histone Modification Pattern by BPTF via Multivalent Interactions. Cell 145: 692-706
22. Xiao A, Li H, Shechter D, Ahn SH, Fabrizio LA, Erdjument-Bromage H, Ishibe-Murakami S, Wang B, Tempst P, Hofmann K, Patel DJ, Elledge SJ and Allis CD. (2009) WSTF regulates the DNA damage response of H2A.X via a novel tyrosine kinase activity. Nature 457: 57-62
23. Li H#, Motamedi MR#, Yip CK, Wang Z, Walz T, Patel DJ and Moazed D (2009) An alpha motif at Tas3 C terminus mediates RITS cis-spreading and promotes heterochromatic gene silencing. Mol Cell 34(2): 155-167 (#equal contribution)
24. Li H, Taverna SD, Ruthenburg AJ, Patel DJ, and Allis CD (2007) Readout of chromatin marks by histone-binding modules. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8(12) (http://www.nature.com/nrm/posters/histonemarks/histonemarks.pdf)
25. Ruthenburg AJ, Li H, Patel DJ, and Allis CD (2007) Multivalent engagement of chromatin modifications by linked binding modules. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8(12): 983-994
26. Taverna SD#*, Li H#*, Ruthenburg AJ, Allis CD, and Patel DJ* (2007) How chromatin-binding modules interpret histone modifications: lessons from professional pocket pickers. Nat Struct Mol Biol 14(11): 1025-1040 (#equal contribution & *correspondence)
27. Li H, Fischle W, Wang W, Duncan EM, Liang L, Murakami-Ishibe S, Allis CD, and Patel DJ (2007) Structural basis for lower lysine methylation state-specific readout by MBT repeats of L3MBTL1 and an engineered PHD finger. Mol Cell 28: 677-691
28. Li H, Ilin S, Wang W, Duncan EM, Wysocka J, Allis, CD, and Patel DJ (2006) Molecular basis for site-specific readout of histone H3K4me3 trimethylation by the BPTF PHD finger of NURF. Nature 442: 91-95
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