河北师范大学学士, 1986
美国西南医学中心,Research Assistant Prof., 2006
清华大学, 教授, 博导,2006
1. Zhangfeng Hu, Yinwen Liang, Wei He andJunmin Pan*. 2015. Cilia disassembly with two distinct phases of regulation.Cell Reports10, 1803-1810.
2. Zhangfeng Hu, Yinwen Liang, Dan Meng, Liang Wang andJunmin Pan*. 2015. Microtubule Depolymerizing Kinesins in the Regulation of Assembly, Disassembly and Length of Cilia and Flagella.International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology. (invited review), 317, 241-265。
3. Yinwen Liang, Yunong Pang, Qiong Wu, Zhangfeng Hu, Xue Han, Yisheng Xu, Haiteng Deng andJunmin Pan*. 2014. FLA8/KIF3B phosphorylation regulates kinesin-II interaction with IFT-B to control IFT entry and turnaround.Dev Cell. 30, 585-597.
4. Junmin Panand William Snell. 2014. Organelle size: a cilium length signal regulates IFT cargo loading.Curr. Biol.24, R875-78.
5. Meng D., Cao M., Oda T., andJunmin Pan*2014. The conserved ciliary protein Bug22 controls planar beating of Chlamydomonas flagella. J. Cell Sci. 127, 281-287.
6. Cao M., D. Meng, L. Wang, S. Bei, W.J. Snell*, andJunmin Pan*. 2013. Activation loop phosphorylation of a protein kinase is a molecular marker of organelle size that dynamically reports flagellar length.PNAS, 110, 12337-42.
7. Liang Y,Junmin Pan*. 2013. Regulation of Flagellar Biogenesis by a Calcium Dependent Protein Kinase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.PLoS ONE8(7): e69902. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069902
8. Wang L., T. Piao, M. Cao, Q. Tao, L. Huang, H. Deng, T. Mao andJunmin Pan*. 2013. Flagellar regeneration requires cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization and kinesin13. J. Cell Sci. 126, 1531-1540,covered image and featured article
9. Junmin Pan*, T Seeger-Nukpezah, EA Golemis*. 2013. The roles of the cilium in normal and abnormal cell cycles: emphsis on renal cystic pathologies.Cell. Mol. Life Sci.70, 1849-1874.
10. Junmin Pan*, B Naumann-Bausch, L Wang, M Specht, M Scholz, K Trompelt andM Hippler*.2011. Protein phosphorylation is a key event of flagellar disassembly revealed by analysis of flagellar phosphoproteins during flagellar shortening in Chlamydomonas.Journal of Proteome Research, 10, 3830-3839.
11. Luo M, M Cao, Y Kan, G Li, W Snell andJunmin Pan*.2011. Protein phosphosphorylation states of an auroa-like kinase marks the length of growing flagella.Current Biology,21,586-591.
12. Piao tian, , Minna Luo, Liang Wang, Yan Guo,De Li, Peng Li, William J. Snell,Junmin Pan*.2009. A microtubule depolymerizing kinesin functions during both flagellar disassembly and flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas.PNAS, 106, 4713-4718 (direct submission).