2011.12 – 研究员,博导,清华大学,生命科学学院
2007 – 2011 博士后美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),过敏与传染病研究所(NIAID)
2005 – 2007 博士后美国加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF),微生物与免疫学系
2001 – 2005 博士 清华大学,生物科学与技术系
1997 – 2001 学士 中国农业大学,生物学院
1. Jing Wang, Shan Tang, Zhengpeng Wan, Yiren Gao, Yiyun Cao, Junyang Yi, Yanyan Si, Haowen Zhang, Lei Liu* and Wanli Liu*. Utilization of a photoactivatable antigen system to examine B cell probing termination and the B cell receptor sorting mechanisms during B cell activation. PNAS. 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1517612113.
2. Shan Tang, Zhengpeng Wan, Yiren Gao, Ji-Shen Zheng, Jing Wang, Yan-Yan Si, Xin Chen, Hai Qi, Lei Liu* and Wanli Liu*. Total chemical synthesis of photoactivatable proteins for light-controlled manipulation of antigen–antibody interactions. Chemical Science. DOI: 10.1039/C5SC03404C.
3. Xiangjun Chen, Weiling Pan, Yinqiang Sui, Hua Li, Xiaoshan Shi, Xingdong Guo, Hai Qi, Chenqi Xu*, Wanli Liu*. Acidic phospholipids govern the enhanced activation of IgG-B cell receptor. Nature Communications. 2015, 6:8552. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9552.
4. Zhengpeng Wan, Xiangjun Chen, Haodong Chen, Qinghua Ji, Yingjia Chen, Jing Wang, Yiyun Cao, Fei Wang, Jizhong Lou, Zhuo Tang, Wanli Liu*. The activation of IgM- or isotype-switched IgG- and IgE-BCR exhibits distinct mechanical force sensitivity and threshold. Elife. 2015 doi: 10.7554/eLife.06925. (Faculty of 1000 recommended paper)
5. Xiangjun Chen, Gen Li, Zhengpeng Wan, Ce Liu, Yingyue Zeng, Wanli Liu*. How B cells remember? A sophisticated cytoplasmic tail of mIgG is pivotal for the enhanced transmembrane signaling of IgG-switched memory B cells. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2015, 118:89-94. (Review)
6. Liling Xu, Arturs Auzins, Xiaolin Sun, Yinsheng Xu, Fiona Harnischfeger, Yun Lu, Juan Qiao, Zhanguo Li, Ying-Hua Chen*, Wenjie Zheng*, Wanli Liu*. The synaptic recruitment of lipid rafts is dependent on CD19-PI3K module and cytoskeleton remodeling molecules. J Leukoc Biol. 2015, 98:223-234.
7. Yingyue Zeng, Junyang Yi, Zhengpeng Wan, Kai Liu, Ping Song, Alicia Chau, Fei Wang, Zai Chang, Weidong Han, Wenjie Zheng, Ying-Hua Chen*, Chunyang Xiong*, Wanli Liu*. Substrate stiffness regulates B-cell activation, proliferation, class switch and T-cell-independent antibody responses in vivo. Eur J Immunol. 2015, 45:1621-1634. (Feature article commented by Dr. Andrew M. Knight)
8. Ce Liu, Xingwang Zhao, Liling Xu, Junyang Yi, Samina Shaheen, Weidong Han, Fei Wang, Wenjie Zheng, Chenqi Xu, Wanli Liu*. A negative-feedback function of PKCβ in the formation and accumulation of signaling-active B cell receptor microclusters within B cell immunological synapse. J Leukoc Biol. 2015 97:887-900.
9. YinSheng Xu, JunYang Yi, YiRen Gao, Ce Liu, LiLing Xu, WanLi Liu*. Molecular Mechanism of B Lymphocyte Activation and the Associated Diseases. Scientia Sinica Vitae, 2014, 44:985-998. (Review in Chinese language)
10. Liling Xu, Gen Li, Jing Wang, Yilin Fan, Zhengpeng Wan, Shaosen Zhang, Samina Shaheen, Jing Li, Li Wang, Cai Yue, Yan Zhao, Fei Wang, Joseph Brzostowski, Yinghua Chen*, Wenjie Zheng*, Wanli Liu*. Through an ITIM-independent mechanism the FcgRIIB blocks B cell activation by disrupting the colocalized microclustering of the BCR and CD19. J Immunol. 2014, 192:5179-91. (Faculty of 1000 recommended paper)
11. Guoliang Zhang, Huiyuan Zhang, Yuan Gao, Ran Tao, Lijun Xin, Junyang Yi, Fuyou Li, Wanli Liu* and Juan Qiao*. Near-Infrared-Emitting Iridium(III) Complexes as Phosphorescent Dyes for Live Cell Imaging. Organometallics, 2014, 33:61−68.
12. Yinsheng Xu, Meng Zhao, Yilin Fan, Susan K. Pierce* and Wanli Liu*. No receptor stands alone: IgG B cell receptor intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms contribute to antibody memory. Cell Research. 2014, 24:651-64. (Review)
13. Zhengpeng Wan, Shaosen Zhang, Yilin Fan, Kai Liu, Feng Du, Angel M. Davey, Huiyuan Zhang, Weidong Han, Chunyang Xiong, Wanli Liu*. B cell activation is regulated by the stiffness properties of the substrate presenting the antigens. J Immunol. 2013, 190:4661-4675. (Faculty of 1000 recommended paper)
14. Shaosen Zhang, Liling Xu, Xingwang Zhao, Xin Chen, Zhengpeng Wan, Yinsheng Xu, Wanli Liu*. A new and robust method of tethering IgG surrogate antigens on lipid bilayer membranes to facilitate the TIRFM based live cell and single molecule imaging experiments. Plos One. 2013, 8:e63735.
15. Zhengpeng Wan, Wanli Liu*. The growth of B cell receptor microcluster is a universal response of B cells encountering antigens with different motion features. Protein & Cell. 2012 3:545-558.
16. Wanli Liu, Elizabeth Chen, XingWang Zhao, ZhengPeng Wan, YiRen Gao, Angel Davey, Eric Huang, Lijia Zhang, Jillian Crocetti, Gabriel Sandoval, M. Gordon Joyce, Carrie Miceli, Jan Lukszo, L. Aravind, Wojciech Swat, Joseph Brzostowski, and Susan K. Pierce. The scaffolding protein synapse associated protein 97 is required for enhanced signaling through isotype-switched IgG memory B cell receptors. Science Signaling. 2012, 5: ra54 1-13. (Faculty of 1000 recommended paper)
17. Angel Davey1, Wanli Liu1, Hae Won Sohn1, Joseph Brzostowski1 and Susan K. Pierce. Understanding the initiation of B cell signaling through live cell imaging. Methods in Enzymology. 2012, 506:265-290. (1 indicates co-first author)
18. Susan K. Pierce and Wanli Liu. The tipping points in the initiation of B cell signaling: how small changes make big differences. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2010, 10:767-777. (Cover Review)
19. Wanli Liu, Tobias Meckel, Pavel Tolar, Hae Won Sohn, Susan K. Pierce. Intrinsic properties of immunoglobulin IgG1 isotype-switched B cell receptors promote microclustering and the initiation of signaling. Immunity. 2010, 32:778-789. (Feature article by Robert Brink)
20. Wanli Liu, Tobias Meckel, Pavel Tolar, Hae Won Sohn, Susan K. Pierce. Antigen affinity discrimination is an intrinsic function of the B cell receptor. J Exp Med. 2010, 207:1095-1111. (Cover story and feature article commented by Michael Dustin)
21. Wanli Liu, Tobias Meckel, Pavel Tolar, Hae Won Sohn, Susan K. Pierce. Antigen-induced oligomerization of the B cell receptor is an early target of Fc gamma RIIB inhibition. J Immunol. 2010, 184:1977-1989. (“In This Issue” article by Christiana N. Fogg)
22. Wanli Liu, Hae Won Sohn, Pavel Tolar, Susan K. Pierce. It's all about change: the antigen-driven initiation of B-cell receptor signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2010, 2:a002295. (Review)
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